International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day

International Women’s DayMar 8, 2024 On International Women’s Day, we celebrate the courage, strength, and achievements of women worldwide. As we honour this day, it’s crucial to recognise the challenges many women face, particularly regarding their health. Conditions...
March Newsletter

March Newsletter

March NewsletterMar 7, 2024 3d leisure is a fitness, spa, and wellbeing operator. We work in four key sub-sectors, hospitality, workplace wellbeing, residential, and education. While many of the services we offer are transferable across these different sectors, it...
Supporting our client TK Maxx

Supporting our client TK Maxx

Supporting our client TK MaxxFeb 29, 2024 Earlier this week we had the pleasure of supporting our valued client TK Maxx in their annual fundraising for the comic relief charity. TK Maxx have supported the charity for the last 19 years and have so far raised over £31m...
3d Clubs Annual Myzone Challenge

3d Clubs Annual Myzone Challenge

3d Clubs Annual Myzone ChallengeFeb 23, 2024 Across our estate we run an annual Myzone challenge for all those sites that provide the service to members. The competition is hotly contested with monthly leaderboards across the group generating an awful lot of...
Driving Strategy!

Driving Strategy!

Driving Strategy!Feb 7, 2024 Earlier this week our senior support team got together in Nottingham for a 2-day event to review and agree strategy for the next 12 months. We all find these meetings very valuable as they allow us to share best practice and agree some...